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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Emulate Your Patroness in all Things – Bishop Fianu Advises Sisters of Mary Mother of the Church

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The Most Rev. Emmanuel Fianu, SVD, the Catholic Bishop of Ho Diocese has asked the Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Church (SMMC), a diocesan congregation in his jurisdiction at Sokode Gbogame, Volta Region of Ghana, to emulate their patroness Mother Mary in all things and see her as a mother who cares for the Church.

In a homily at a Mass on Monday, May 20 at the SMMC Grotto, to mark the Memorial of Mary Mother of the Church with the Sisters, the Bishop told the Sisters that “Mary looks at each of us as her child; A wonderful blessing to humanity.

According to him, it was therefore appropriate to reflect her virtues that emanate from this title – we should do the same.

He continued, “We are called to care for the Church through our ministries and apostolates. Think critically about the essence of this feast. Most probably, choose this day as a principal feast instead of 15th August and 8th September as you have it as days for profession of vows.”

In effect, sing the “Gloria” and make this day a solemnity, the Bishop told the Sisters.

Bishop Fianu prayed for the entire Institute that they may Receive continual blessing and protection from Mary and be really mothers to the world.

Touching on the role of Mary in the salvific history of the Church, he said “At the feet of the Cross, Mary must have endured a lot of pain. Jesus knew the mother needs some support at this point of her life.”

The Bishop of Ho noted that Jesus established a special relationship between the Beloved disciple and his mother, saying, it was as if John, the Beloved disciple was replacing Jesus in the life of Mary.

This, he indicated, was common among the Jews for this gives her the assurance that she is not alone. Jesus turns to the Beloved disciple and say the same thing – reciprocal. John gave a home to Mary. John is like the symbol of the Church.

Bishop Fianu reiterated “Mary was with the apostles when they received the Holy Spirit and so there’s a link between Pentecost and this memorial. Mary is called an exemplary disciple for she was obedient to God, an ‘apostle’ for she was a faithful follower of her son at the wedding of Cana. She never abandoned his son in his public ministry.

The Bishop added, “Mary was with Jesus right from infancy to death. She is indeed an exemplary apostle of Jesus.”

Sr. Dr. Lucy Hometowu, the Superior General of the SMMC, thanked Bishop Fianu and promised that marking the memorial of Mary Mother of the Church as a feast for the Institute would be considered during the upcoming Chapter of the SMMC.

Present at the Memorial Mass were Very Rev. Fr. Walter Agbeto, the Vicar General of Ho Diocese, Rev. Fr. Mark Torwoe, CsSR and Fr. Samuel Eco Kornu, the Chaplain of Mater Ecclesiae School, Sokode Gbogame.

Members of the SMMC were in attendance in their numbers.

Bishop Emmanuel Kofi Fianu, SVD, with Sisters of Mary Mother of the Church dressed in their 50th anniversary cloth

By Sr. Gifty Anastasia Blewu, SMMC (Sister Communicator)

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