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Saturday, September 28, 2024

Episcopal Ordination of New Wa Bishop Slated for August 2

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The Bishop-Elect of Wa, Very Rev.  Fr. Francis Bomansaan, a member of the Missionaries of Africa Congregation would be ordained as the 5th Bishop on Friday, August 2, 2024 at the Upper West Sports Stadium, Wa at 9:30am.

Thanksgiving Mass is slated for Saturday, August 3, 2024 at the St. Andrew’s Cathedral also at 9:30am.

The ordination and Thanksgiving dates were communicated in a letter to all Parishes, Institutions, Religious Communities and the entire faithful made available to newswatchgh.com. 20240527-Circular letter-Appointment of Bishop B_240529_092131

The letter dated May 27, 2024 was signed by the Diocesan Administrator, Very Rev. Fr. Cornelius Naah Bayirinoba.

The Holy Father Pope Francis appointed Bishop-elect Bomansaan as the new Bishop of Wa Diocese on Wednesday, May 22, 2024 to replace the late Richard Cardinal Baawobr, M. Afr.

Msgr. Maher Chammas (Middle) with Bishop Peter Paul Angkyier of Damongo (right) and Fr. Cornelius Naa Bayirinoba, Diocesan Adminstrator

In a historic announcement, Msgr. Maher Chammas, Charge d’Affairs at the Apostolic Nunciature in Ghana declared Rev. Fr. Francis Bomansaan as the new Bishop of Wa Diocese at the St. Andrews Cathedral in Wa in the Upper West Region of Ghana.

Bishop-Elect Bomansaan, a member of the Missionaries of Africa, (M.Afr) before his appointment was the Vicar General of the Society of Missionaries of Africa. His elevation to the episcopacy is a testament to his dedication and commitment to the Church.

In an uncommon way, Bishop-Elect Bomansaan was appointed while in Rome, Italy. The Catholic community in Wa Diocese was excited and awaits patiently for his return, ordination and installation as their new Bishop of Wa.

About New Bishop of Wa

Until his appointment Bishop-Elect was the Vice General Superior of the Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers).

Msgr. Francis Bomansaan, M.Afr., was born on January 19, 1962 in Kaleo, in the Diocese of Wa. He entered the Society of the Missionaries of Africa in 1983, and carried out his religious and priestly formation in various countries. He gave his perpetual vows on December 7, 1990, and was ordained a Priest on July 27, 1991.

He holds several diplomas, including those in Ignatian Spirituality, from the Jesuits Centre in Liverpool; in psycho-spirituality and counselling (M.A,) from Chicago; in spiritual counselling skills and community living, from the Saint Anselm Institute in London; and the Religious Formation Ministry Programme, from Loreto House, Dublin.

Bishop-Elect Francis Bomansaan, M.Afr.

He has held the following offices: parish priest of the Archdiocese of Mbeya, Tanzania (1991-1993), director of vocational animation and formator in Lublin, Poland (1995-1998), vocational director of the Missionaries of Africa in Ghana and first advisor to the provincial superior for Ghana and Nigeria (1999-2003), Formator and bursar of Saint Edward College, London (2004-2005), provincial superior of the province of Ghana and Nigeria (2005-2011), Master of novices at the International English Speaking Novitiate, Zambia (2012-2019), and head of the Addiction Rehabilitation Centre, Kenya (2021-2022).

Since 2022, he has served as Deputy Superior General of the Missionaries of Africa.

Prelates Wa Diocese

The Catholic Diocese of Wa is a diocese located in the city of Wa in the ecclesiastical Province of Tamale in Ghana.

Cardinal Peter Dery

It was erected on 3rd November, 1959, with His Eminence, late Peter Cardinal Porekuu Dery as the first Bishop appointed on 16th March 1960. He was ordained Bishop of Wa on 8th May 1960.

late Peter Cardinal Porekuu Dery

On 18th November 1974, he was appointed Bishop of Tamale and on 30th May, 1977, he was elevated as the Metropolitan Archbishop of Tamale. He retired from the episcopal office on 26th March 1994.

He was made a Cardinal on 24th March, 2006 of the Deaconry of Sant’Elena fuori Porta Prenestina. He died on 6th March, 2008.

Archbishop Gregory Kpiebaya

The late Archbishop Gregory Eebolawola Kpiebaya was appointed as the second Bishop of the Diocese on 18th November 1974 and ordained as a prelate on15th March 1975.

Archbishop Gregory Eebolawola Kpiebaya

On 26th March, 1994 when he was appointed as Archbishop to the Tamale Diocese as successor of Cardinal Peter Porekuu Dery. He retired on17th February 2009. He died on 31st May, 2022.

Bishop Paul Bemile

The third Bishop, Emeritus Bishop Paul Bemile was appointed on 19th December, 1994 and ordained Bishop on25th March,1995.

Emeritus Bishop Paul Bemile

Bishop Bemile shepherded the Diocese until his retirement as a Bishop on 17th February, 2016.

Cardinal Richard Baawobr, M.Afr.

Richard Cardinal Kuuia Baawobr, M.Afr, was the fourth Bishop since the creation of the Diocese. He was appointed on 17th February, 2016 as Bishop of Wa Diocese.

Richard Cardinal Kuuia Baawobr, M.Afr,

He was made Cardinal-Priest of the Santa Maria Immacolata di Lourdes a Boccea on 27th August, 2022 by Pope Francis.

He died on 27th November, 2022.

Bishop-Elect Francis Bomansaan, M.Afr.

As Divine Providence will have it, Rev. Fr. Francis Bomansaan, M.Afr was appointed New Bishop of Wa Diocese on 22nd May 2024 as the fifth Bishop of the Diocese by Pope Francis.


By Sr. Emmanuella Dakurah, HHCJ (Sister Communicator)

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