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Friday, September 20, 2024

Sister Communicators in Ghana Explore the Usage of Internet

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Some selected Sister Communicators from ten Women Religious Congregations has had the privilege acquire basic knowledge in website management at a media training at the Holy Spirit Cathedral, Adabraka, Accra.

Mr. Bless Gadese, one of the facilitators, took the Sisters through hands-on practice, where they gained knowledge on how to publish their stories on website.

He introduced various software tools to enhance their efficiency and by empowering the Sister Communicators with these skills, Mr. Gadese aimed to help them effectively tackle the power of technology to share their message and amplify their impact.

The July 28 website management training was part of a three-day top-up Media Communications training and a follow-up on an earlier one held in May 2024 in Kumasi.

Some of the Sister Communicators display their phones for their work when they get back to their various communities

The Training Project is the brain child of the Conference of Major Superiors of Religious, Ghana with financial support from the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, a U.S.A charitable foundation established in 1944 by the hotel entrepreneur to train Sisters to acquire the requisite skills to project their mission in this contemporary era.

The Project is being implemented on behalf of the CMSR-GH by the  Sisters of Mother of the Church (SMMC) with Sr. Cecilia Afari, SMMC as the Project Coordinator.

During the media training, the facilitator encouraged Sister Communicators to embrace the internet and explore its vast resources.

He guided them through the process of creating and managing a website, covering essential skills such as logging in and out, posting news and articles, and updating content.

Mr. Gadese taking Sr. Cecilia Afari, SMMC, the training project Coordinator through how to search for information on the internet using the phone

He emphasised the importance of fearlessly exploring technology to gain a deeper understanding of the internet’s capabilities and also stressed the need to keep the website active and up-to-date after its creation.

The Sister Communicators collectively expressed gratitude for the opportunity to develop their digital skills and assured the organisers and the funding agency of their relentlessness in ensuring they practice what they had been taught.

With renewed confidence and enthusiasm, they looked forward to applying their new found knowledge to share their stories, promote their mission, and connect with a wider audience.

The guidance and support of Mr. Gadese, had opened doors to new possibilities, and the Sisters were eager to explore the digital world.

By Sr. Sheila Adombire, HHCJ, Sr. Michelle Ankrah, SSL, Sr. Gabriella Yankey, HDR (Sister Communicators)

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