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Thursday, September 19, 2024

Mary, the Model of Prayer – Deacon Lectures Donkorkrom Faithful

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Rev. Gabriel Dabo – Gyamfi, a Catholic Deacon of the Apostolic Vicariate of Donkorkrom in Ghana’s Eastern region has lectured the Catholics of Afram Plains on the role of Mary, as the model of Prayer, as part of activities to mark the2024  Solemnity of the Assumption celebration.

The August 17 Marian talk which took place on the compound of St. Paul Catholic Church Bonkrom, a mission station of St. Joseph the Worker Parish,  Maame Krobo, dwelt on the Contemplative and Reflective nature of Mary as seen in the Gospel of Luke 2:19, “But Mary treasured all these things and pondered them in her heart”.

According to Rev. Gyamfi, the Gospel of Luke offers a profound description of Mary’s inner life, presenting her as a woman of contemplation and reflation.

Amidst the miraculous and amazing event of Jesus’s birth, the deacon observed, “Mary’s response is to treasure and ponder these things in her heart. Her reaction contrasts with the immediate amazement of others, highlighting her deep and meditative engagement with the divine mystery unfolding before her”.

“To understand the depth of Mary’s Prayer life, we must first grasp the significance of treasuring and pondering,”  Rev. Gyamfi underlined.

To treasure something, he said, implies “holding it dear and valuing it deeply”. And in Mary’s case, he continued, “she cherished the events and revelations concerning her son, Jesus.

The deacon observed that pondering on the other hand has to do with continuous and profound reflection.

“Mary did not merely observe these events; she actively engaged with them, contemplating their meaning and significance,” he underpinned.

This dual act of treasuring and pondering according to the deacon, demonstrates an active, meditative form of prayer that goes beyond mere recitation of words.

The speaker further outlined some features of Mary’s Prayer life, which included reflection, submission and faithfulness.

He projected Mary as one who consistently reflected on God’s works and words, and to him, this reflective nature is evident throughout the Gospels, with Mary contemplating the events of Jesus’s life and ministry.

He noted that her ability to meditate deeply on these experiences signifies “a profound spiritual insight and connection with God”.

The speaker further described Mary’s ‘fiat’ at the Annunciation as “a complete submission to God’s plan, a hallmark of her prayerful attitude”.

He likened Mary’s submission to the teaching of Philippians 4:6, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God”.

The deacon further commended Mary’s faithfulness saying that throughout her life, she exhibited unwavering trust in God’s promises and plans, even in moments of uncertainty and difficulty.

“Her faithfulness is seen not only in her acceptance of the angel’s message, but also in her endurance through the trials and tribulations she faced as Jesus’s mother,” he remarked.

Rev. Gyamfi exhorted the faithful to emulate Mary’s example which “offers a practical guidance for our own prayer lives”. He added that by incorporating contemplation into their personal prayer, they can create space to reflect on God’s presence and actions.

“Setting aside dedicated time for reflection helps us treasure these moments, much like Mary did,” he said.

“In our daily lives, we can strive to emulate Mary’s trust and submission to God’s will. Whether in moments of joy or hardship, seeking to understand and accept God’s plan can deepen our faith and strengthen our spiritual resilience,” the deacon underpinned.

He however noted how challenging, maintaining a prayerful heart amidst the distractions and demands of modern life could be, and encouraged the Christians to focus on what truly matters – their relationship with God, to help them overcome the challenges.

The deacon further urged the faithful to pray the Rosary, which he said is a powerful tool for meditation on key events in Mary’s life and the mysteries of Christ.

“Through the repetitive prayers and contemplative mysteries, believers can reflect and ponder as Mary did,” he observed.

He further remarked that various Marian devotions such as the Angelus and the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary can help the faithful to connect to Mary’s prayerful example.

“These practices foster a deeper spiritual life and encourage believers to adopt Mary’s meditative and reflective approach to prayer,” the deacon noted.

There was also a health talk delivered on the same day by Mr. Kotoh Ernest, Physician Assistant at Holy Rosary Health Centre Amankwakrom. Participants were given the opportunity to ask questions and make contributions based on the talks.

Rev. Gabriel Dabo – Gyamfi who currently resides at St. Cecilia Parish Fori-Fori is one of the deacons of the Donkorkrom Apostolic Vicariate, who by God’s grace will be ordained priest come October 26, 2024.

Other activities during the 3-day Assumption program which ran from August 16- 18, featuring Christians from the 8 Parishes within the Vicariate, together with their priests and the Bishop, Most Rev. John Alphonse Asiedu, SVD,  included Rosary recitations and Stations of the Cross up the Bonkrom Mountain, procession in the Bonkrom village with Our Lady’s Statue, Holy Masses, Confessions, Adoration, among others.

By Sr. Sylvie Lum Cho, MSHR, (DEPSOCOM, Donkorkrom Apostolic Vicariate)

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