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Wednesday, September 18, 2024

St. Louis Sisters Mark Day in Kumasi

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August 25 every year marks the feast day of St. King Louis and the Sisters of St. Louis (SSL) also celebrate this day worldwide.

This year, the Ghana Region celebrated the day at the St. Louis Senior High School, upon the invitation of Rev. Fr. Eric Ankapong, the Chaplain of a school to celebrate the day with the young ladies and staff members since the School was established by the Institute of the Sisters of St. Louis.

The Sisters together with some associate members and two of their aspirants were at the School premises to participate in a Holy Mass. As part of the celebration, some Sisters joined the students to play roles during the Mass such as chanting the responsorial Psalm and serving on the altar.

A cross section of the students of St. Louis SHS, Kumasi

Fr. Ankapong in his homily on the theme: a choice to make a charge to keep, urged the young ladies, staff, associates and the Sisters to choose Jesus over every other thing.

He drew attention to other gods that are chosen such as fashion and social media and encouraged all present not to give up in strive to be good Christians when he stresses that quote that saints have been made and are still being made where we live.

After the post communion song, Sr. Joan Dzifa Bosro, SSL and Novice Clara Konadu spoke to the young ladies inviting them to join the Sisters of St. Louis and the stages one has to go through to become a Sister.

Sr. Joan Dzifa Bosro, SSL(right) and Novice Clara Konadu addressing the students

The associates are lay women who share in the charism of the Sisters, hence they pray with them and commit to some apostolate such as visiting the sick, teaching Sunday school and praying for the sick.

Miss Johanna Johnson, a former Headmistress and an associate told the young ladies their roles as associates, how they are not Sisters yet believe in the charism of the Sisters.

She, therefore, encouraged the young ladies to commit to God through responding to His call to be St. Louis sisters or St. Louis associates.

After the Mass, the students had some interactions with the Sisters around the chapel and in the convent. It was a beautiful celebration for the whole St. Louis family.

By Sr. Michelle Ankrah, SSL (Sister Communicator)

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