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Sunday, May 19, 2024

[Opinion] COVID-19 And the Closure of Chinese Market

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As the world continue to battle the COVID-19, there should be a parallel pressure by the international community, to close the ‘Chinese Wet Markets’ where bats, snakes, dogs, cats, scorpions and such other unconventional sources of food, are sold.

This should be followed by a decree to out-law feeding on the same in China and elsewhere. Bats which are a delicacy in China are believed to be the source of Coronavirus.

China has already lifted its ‘Lock Down’ on COVID-19 and asked its nationals to go back to ‘normal life.’ Wuhan District where it all started is bustling with life today as ever before the Corona outbreak. The Chinese Wet Markets and restaurant menus are selling bats, scorpions, snakes etc, as they celebrate the ‘defeat’ of Corona.

As of 11th April, 2020, the WHO Situation Report had it that 1.6 million confirmed cases with close to 100,000 deaths around the globe, as the graph continue to climb.

It may be recalled that bats were also believed to have been responsible for the spread of Ebola disease, one of the deadliest viral diseases that ravaged Africa leaving thousands dead, not long ago. Scientists continue to search for conclusive evidence of the bat’s role in transmission of Ebola.

The United Nations through its relevant organs should spearhead the out-law of bats, snakes, apes and any other likely source of a killer virus, as source of food to humanity.

In the absence of such a decree, we are not out of the woods yet, even with the demise of Corona.


Source: George Sunguh, President of UCAP


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