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Tuesday, May 14, 2024

[Opinion] Peter’s First Baptism of Fire

Must read

Dearly beloved of the Eucharistic Lord, may the God of all good preserve the world from the current pandemic and bless you with His PEACE, Amen.

May I dedicate this paragraph to COVID-19 pandemic and the world’s response. I have pondered in prayer and I have appreciated God all the more in the midst of all of the challenges. Further, I have come to believe as I ponder on the Apostles’ opposition from the Sanhedrin that

1. God, as the Author of ALL LIFE is actively propelling the motions of the universe, hence, we still have 24 hours in a day, seven days in a week, Brother Sun is still rising and setting, as I just woke up from Sister Moon’s watch through the night.

2. Man is STILL the Master/Mistress of Animals and Nature with our rational faculties still intact. In fact, the many innovative ideas that have given birth to creativity and solutions to certain challenges are all proofs of how MAN has not lost his/her MANHOOD.

3. God will not do for us what we can do for ourselves because He has offered each person an inborn resistance to external forces to bring out one’s FULL potential as we popularly say: necessity is the mother of inventions. Doubtless heroes will emerge from this pandemic situation. They shall emerge from political, religious, domestic and social arenas.

4. These rising Stars will spring from the culture of SILENCE propelled by the loudest noises around them. Thus, the latter will serve as a catalyst for the former.

5. Yet, unfortunately, some stars will experience dimness because of their inability to drive themselves more to creative thinking, coupled with their inability to withstand external pressure from perceived adversaries which in itself is a Necessary evil for progress just as applied force leads to heat which produces ENERGY for greater use.

6. This is then, the time of pure sacrifice to the OTHER. Here, the more an individual or an institution thinks of the unknown and invisible OTHER, the greater the drive for Sacrifice and creativity just has we see in pregnant women. It is their love for the helpless and seemingly insignificant OTHER that motivates her to sacrifice for the baby.

7. If we fill our throats with too much catabolic (negative) ENERGY we shall choke and throw up VICIOUS words which can damage society. I asked myself just a question after perusing almost every comment on President’s address last night and that inspired this reflection: Is the government the sole responsible institution for our woes? The answer was NO. Then I asked again: So who are the other stakeholders? Then Uncle Ato’s patriotic song: “Wonsuom” came to mind. How I wish all Radio and TV shows will just treat us with the song all day. I am a stakeholder, so are you.

8. I was happy to have read a post of a brother suggesting a Drafting of National Agenda on governance as a way out. It is a creative thinking borne from this pandemic situation.

9. Other countries have their own peculiar challenges which I am sure they are working around the clock to improve within and beyond COVID-19 pandemic. For instance, Philippino president is questioning the EXISTENCE of God amidst the pandemic. So, I pray with Philippinos for God to prove His love for them through Santo Nino – infant Jesus.

10. Serious countries, institutions and individuals will improve upon their integral life while unserious ones will showcase their stack mental and emotional flaws because they cannot think outside the box.

Conclusion: May I quote a part of the Desiderata which says DO NOT COMPARE YOURSELF WITH OTHERS. YOU MAY BECOME VAIN AND BITTER BECAUSE THERE ARE ALWAYS GREATER AND LESSER PERSONS THAN YOUR SELF. It doesn’t mean one cannot learn from others. Let us learn from the best and unlearn from the worse. Let us learn from Peter and His brothers in today’s First Reading: They have received their first Baptism of fire from the hands of the Sanhedrin and yet, they rejoice over the MIGHTY deeds God wrought through them.

Furthermore, the Gospel Reading from John 3 begins a faith conversation between Jesus and Nichodemus. He was a member of the Council that crucified Jesus. Sometimes, God can use a member of your enemy’s camp to purify and make you CONVINCED that you can SUCCEED in your endeavours of life.

May God bless the WORLD and keep YOU, a unique part of the world, SAFE. May Mother Mary, the Queen of the Universe INTERCEDE for us. Amen.

Peace and Joy!!!

Source: Fr. Ebenezer Kofi Hanson

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