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You’re Called To Be True Lights – Kumasi’s Archbishop Anokye Tells Consecrated Persons

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At the celebration of the 27th World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Persons in Kumasi, the Most Rev Gabriel Justice Yaw Anokye, Metropolitan Archbishop of Ghana’s Archdiocese of Kumasi, has urged the Religious to let their lifestyles reflect the Light of Jesus Christ.

Presiding over a Mass on February 2 to mark the day at the St. Paul’s Catholic Church, Adukrom, a Parish run by the Society of African Missions (SMA) , he asked the Consecrated Men and Women to rekindle the offering of themselves to the Lord.

The day is marked yearly on February 2 but could be transferred to the following Sunday in order to highlight the gift and special role of Consecrated Persons for the whole Church.

Religious for candle light Entrance Procession

The Eucharistic celebration was preceded with the blessing of candles by ArchbishopAnokye, followed by the entrance procession of the consecrated persons and other lay faithful with the lighted candles in their hands.

This occasion which is annually celebrated on the feast of the Presentation of the Lord is geared towards offering prayers to celebrate and honour the religious for their commitment to the life of consecration.

In his homily, Archbishop Anokye pointed out that in 1997, late Pope Saint John Paul II of blessed memory, instituted a day for women and men in Consecrated Life – Vita Consecrata.

This global celebration is attached to the feast of the Presentation of the Lord with candles blessed, symbolizing Christ who is the Light of the world.

He said, “We are grateful and happy for this feast because of its two in one celebration.”

He emphasized that Jesus was presented to God in the Temple and God also in the Temple, presented Jesus to Simeon, Anna and to the nations as the light. Hence, we celebrate this feast of God the light who enlightens the way for us that we may enlighten others’ ways.

Citing several scripture passages in the Old and New Testaments, he gave instances of biblical figures who were presented to either persons of higher authority such as kings, or to God himself as the case with Samuel who was offered to the service of God for ever by his mother Hannah; John the Baptist as the fore runner of Christ; Peter and the Apostles presented the deacons to the group of early Christian community for the special service of attending to their material needs.

The climax of the presentation been that performed by Joseph and Mary when they presented Jesus to God for approval, blessing and protection.

He therefore enjoined the consecrated persons to present themselves to God as Jesus was for God’s grace on them.

Archbishop Anokye reminded the consecrated persons that any presentation to God comes with its challenges; thus, he urged them to rejoice and be glad when persecuted for Christ’s sake for their reward is in heaven.

He reminded the Consecrated Persons that they were called to please God first before men, enjoining them to be good witnesses as everybody was watching them everywhere – for the media has made the world a global village.

He advised them to allow God’s goodness to shine upon them and follow them all the days of their lives and dwell in the Lord’s own house forever and ever. Amen.

Present at the Mass were some male and female students of St Paul’s Roman Catholic School who expressed their desire to be future Priests and Sisters.

Their presence was acknowledged by Archbishop Anokye who enjoined them to bring the Good News of the day’s feast to their fellow class mates.

The Vicar General for the Clergy and Religious of the Kumasi Archdiocese, Rev. Fr. Stephen Jantuah, announced the need for the Asante Regional Conference of Sisters to elect their new executives who would champion the course of the association as the old executives had completed their mandate.

In the course of the celebration, Sr. Deepa Xavier, SJC; a Sister of St Joseph of Cluny Congregation – Deepa meaning light, whose feast day coincided with the feast of the Presentation, received a special blessing from the Archbishop, Archbishop Gabriel Anokye.

Sr. Angela Amaechi, fsp//Newswatchgh.com

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