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AQUINAS @ 70 Launch: School Poised to Champion Continuous Holistic Education

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The St. Thomas Aquinas Senior High School, a Catholic Boys Second Cycle institution of the Catholic Archdiocese of Accra has launched its 70th Anniversary celebrations with a vision and determination of continuous provision of holistic education.

A representative of the Metropolitan Archbishop of Accra, the Most Rev. Bonaventure Kwofie, CSSp, at the launch at the School premises on July 17, 202, emphasised that the Church’s vision of establishing the School in 1952 was to provide a holistic, quality yet affordable education to young boys living in Accra, which the church had not failed in this vision.

Rev. Fr. George Obeng Appah, Chairman of the Education Committee of the Catholic Archdiocese of Accra said, the success story of Aquinas SHS was a manifestation of what Catholic Education was all about, adding that the Catholic Church, as a major stakeholder in education, would continue to support government’s effort in making education accessible and affordable to every Ghanaian child.

“That is why we commend the government on the free SHS policy but will humbly appeal to the government as a matter of urgency to address the problems associated with the free SHS policy,” he stated.

Speaking at the event, the Headmaster of the school, Mr. Paul Amoasi Baidoo established that the school currently has 95 Teachers, 41 non-Teaching staff, and a total of 2,325-student population.

According to him, the School has recorded tremendous improvement in the final year West African Secondary School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) results since he took over office in 2019, saying, the best student had 6A1 and in 2020 they moved to 7A1.

“With the preparation, management and staff have put in place we expect to record a galaxy of 8A1s this year, 2021”, he said and added that discipline in the school had improved and efforts were being made to sustain the momentum.

He expressed gratitude to Old Tom 1992 year group for the ongoing construction of an Ultramodern Clinic for the school, thanking the Old Tom 2004 year group for also rehabilitating the carpet Block and Old Tom 2001 for painting the School Administration Block, Library, Block ‘B’ and the Science Laboratory.

The Headmaster, however, appealed for an Assembly Hall Complex, giving the school a boarding status and a vehicle, lamenting, “A well acclaimed school like St. Thomas Aquinas cannot boast of an Assembly Hall for School gathering, activities and programmes”.
The Chairman of the Anniversary Planning Committee, Mr. John Amuzu said, the vision of the Old Toms is to lead in the rebranding of the Aquinas identity.

“We would therefore unveil and market the concept of a master plan for the redevelopment of St. Thomas Aquinas Senior High School,” he stated.

He encouraged his fellow Old Toms to buy into this concept as it would lead into transformation and putting up of new and modern infrastructure befitting the School’s status as the “University of Cantonments”.

He again called on all Old Toms to come on board to muster all their resources and connections both locally and the international community to bring this dream to fruition.

According to him, their expectation is that come March 26, 2022 on the day of the climax of the 70th anniversary celebration, there would be a sod cutting ceremony for the commencement of the ambitious project.

“We need to dream big for we are bigger than big”, he added.

The July 17 Anniversary launch sought to champion a fundraising towards the construction of an ultra-modern Assembly Hall Complex for the school and an opportunity for the Board of Governors, Management, Staff, Students, Old Toms and the 70th Anniversary Planning Committee to adequately prepare to climax the anniversary on Saturday, March 26, 2022.

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