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Saturday, July 6, 2024

Archbishop Henryk Mieczysław Jagodziński  Eulogised as “a Beacon of Grace”

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The President of the Ghana catholic Bishops’ Conference, the Most Rev. Matthew Gyamfi has described Ghana’s outgoing Apostolic Nuncio, the Most Rev.  Henryk Mieczysław Jagodziński as a beacon of grace and compassion as he leaves Ghana to South Africa.

“His Excellency has been a beacon of grace and compassion, tirelessly working to strengthen the bonds between the Holy See and our local Church communities,” Bishop Gyamfi said at a farewell Mass organised by the GCBC at the Christ the King Parish on Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The GCBC President stated that “Today marks a poignant moment in our collective journey as we bid farewell to His Excellency, Archbishop Henryk Mieczysław Jagodziński, the esteemed Apostolic Nuncio our country, Ghana.”

A section of Priests at the Mass. Credit: Damian Avevor

Extolling him, he said throughout his tenure, he had exemplified unwavering dedication, profound wisdom, and a steadfast commitment to fostering unity and understanding within our Church and beyond.”

“His diplomatic finesse, coupled with his deep spiritual insight, has guided us through both challenges and triumphs, always with a vision of peace and fraternity,” Bishop Gyamfi who is the Local Ordinary for the Sunyani Diocese asserted.

He indicated that under the Outgoing Nuncio’s leadership, “we have witnessed remarkable strides in dialogue, cooperation, and mutual respect among different religious and societal groups.”

A cultural troupe performing at the entrance of the Christ the King Parish, Accra. Credit: Damian Avevor

“His efforts have not only enriched our ecclesiastical landscape but have also touched the lives of countless individuals, uplifting them in faith and hope,” the GCBC President indicated, adding, “Beyond his official duties, His Excellency has endeared himself to all who have had the privilege to know him.”

According to Bishop Gyamfi, the Outgoing Nuncio’s “warmth, humility, and genuine care for every person he meets have left an indelible mark on our hearts,” whether in formal settings or informal gatherings, he has radiated the love of Christ, embodying the spirit of servant leadership in its truest form.”

Bishop Gyamfi on behalf of the Church in Ghana expressed “deepest gratitude for his service among us, we also extend our heartfelt prayers and best wishes as he embarks on a new chapter of his mission.”

Papal Knights at the Mass. Credit: Damian Avevor

He averred that though he might be leaving “our immediate midst, his legacy will continue to inspire and guide us as we strive to build a world rooted in justice, compassion, and solidarity.”

Proposing a toast at a reception in the honour of the Outgoing Nuncio, the Most Rev. Charles Palmer-Buckle, Metropolitan Archbishop of Cape Coast said: “I can say without any shade of doubt that you have endeared yourself very much to us all and we shall miss you dearly…”

He praised Archbishop Jagodziński for visiting every ecclesiastical jurisdiction (Archdiocese and Diocese) in the country.

Some lay faithful at the Farewell Mass. Credit: Damian Avevor

He added that “You have encountered and interacted with the entire fabric of the Church namely children of Jesus and of the Holy Childhood, our vibrant youth and young adults, our lay faithful women and men of various societies, confraternities, the dames and Knights and Ladies, our Clergy and Religious and Consecrated Persons.”

Archbishop Palmer-Buckle also praised the Nuncio as an Envoy of the Holy Father for having encountered the President of Ghana and the relevant officials and offices, “in order to bring to us the Papal solicitude as Shepherd of the Universal Church.”

A section of the Bishops at the Mass. Standing is Archbishop Charles Gabriel Palmer-Buckle. Credit: Damian Avevor

“As Apostolic Nuncio, you were consecrated a prophet to the nations, not only to Ghana. You have been truly and good a prophet in its very dense biblical meaning,” the Cape Coast Archbishop pointed out.

At the reception, various Societies and groups made presentations to the outgoing Nuncio.

The well attended farewell Mass was presided over by His Eminence Peter Cardinal Appiah Turkson, Chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences at the Vatican. It was concelebrated Bishops of Ghana and scores of Priests.

In attendance were the Executives of the Conference of Major Superiors of Religious, Ghana (CMSR-GH), National Union of Ghana Diocesan Priest Associations (NUCDPA), members of the Forum of Papal Knights and Dames, leadership of the National Catholic Laity Council (NCLC), Ghana National Catholic Youth Council, various Societies and groups in the Church including the National Council of Catholic Women, Christian Mothers Association and the National Sacred Heart Enthronement Centre.

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