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Friday, September 20, 2024

Bishop Bomansaan Takes Canonical Possession of Wa Diocese

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The Most Rev. Most Rev. Francis Bomansaan, M.Afr., on Friday, August 2, 2024, took canonical possession of the Catholic Diocese of Wa as its fifth Bishop, promising to be faithful in proclaiming the Gospel and build the Church and people of God God entrusted to him.

At his Episcopal ordination and installation at an open-air Mass at the Wa Sports Stadium in the Upper West Region of Ghana, he also promised to discharge faithfully his duties as an Apostle and Missionary, asking for prayers from all so that he may faithfully carry out the ministry entrusted to him.

The Holy Father Pope Francis appointed Bishop Bomansaan as the new shepherd of Wa Diocese on Wednesday, May 22, 2024 to replace the late Richard Cardinal Baawobr, M. Afr.

Bishop Bomansaan thanked all who supported him in prayers and counselled him when he was appointed, saying that having vowed obedience to God and his Superiors in the M.Afr. and to the Church, he accepted this ministry as a Missionary of the Church.

He expressed gratitude to the Holy Father Pope Francis, His Eminence Peter Cardinal Appiah Turkson,  Chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences at the Vatican; the Apostolic Nunciature and the Ghana Catholic Bishops’ Conference (GCBC) for the confidence reposed in him, unworthy as he was.

He promised total and unparalleled loyalty and obedience to the Catholic Church, pledging to co-operate and collaborate with the Clergy, Religious and lay faithful to achieve further growth in the Wa Diocese.

With his ordination, Bishop Bomansaan becomes the second Ghanaian Missionary of Africa Priest to be ordained a Bishop. The first is the Richard Cardinal Kuuia Baawobr, M.Afr; who was appointed on February 17, 2016 as Bishop of Wa Diocese, made Cardinal-Priest of the Santa Maria Immacolata di Lourdes a Boccea on 27th August, 2022 by Pope Francis. He died on 27th November, 2022.

Bishop Bomansaan also becomes the ninth Ghanaian Missionary Priest to be ordained Bishop.

The first is Archbishop Franklyn Atese Nubuasah, SVD, of the Gaborone Diocese in Botswana; the Most Rev. Vincent Sowah Boi-Nai, SVD, retired Bishop of Yendi, is the second; the third Most Rev. Gabriel Edoe Kumordji, SVD, who was first appointed an Apostolic Prefect of Donkorkrom Apostolic Prefecture on June 12, 2007 and later elevated as an Apostolic Vicar of Donkorkrom Vicariate with Episcopal rights on January 19, 2010. On March 16, 2017, he was appointed the Bishop of Keta-Akatsi Diocese.

Most Rev. Dennis Kofi Agbenyadzi, SMA, Bishop of Berbérati in the Central African Republic (CAR) is the fourth; the fifth being the Most Rev. John Bonaventure Kwofie, CSSp, who was first appointed Bishop of Sekondi-Takoradi on July 3, 2014 and on January 2, 2019, he was appointed the Metropolitan Archbishop of Accra; the Most Rev. Emmanuel Kofi Fianu, SVD is the sixth.

The seventh is the late Cardinal Kuiaa Baawobr, M. Afr. with the Apostolic Vicar of Donkorkrom, the Most Rev. John Alphonse Asiedu, SVD, being the eighth to be appointed as Bishop on February 11, 2019.

The Principal Consecrator at the Episcopal ordination was the Most Rev. Philip Naameh, Metropolitan Archbishop of Tamale with the Most Rev.  Paul Bemile, Emeritus Bishop of Wa and the Most Rev. Matthew Gyamfi, President of the Ghana Catholic Bishops’ Conference as Co-Consecrators.

Most Rev. Peter Paul Ankgyier, Bishop of Damongo Diocese was the homilist.

In the presence of the Bishops, the Papal Bull appointing Bishop Bomansaan to the high office of a Bishop, signed and sealed by Pope Francis was read in English and Dagaare.

Bishop Bomansaan, who was 62 on January 19, was dressed in full liturgical vestments, namely, a Stole, a beautifully decorated Chasuble with purple biretta, (a four corner shaped hat, often worn by Bishops and Monsignors).

During the Solemn moment of laying on of hands, Archbishop Naameh and the two co-consecrators in turn laid their hands on the candidate in silence, while other Bishops did the same.

The Book of the Gospels was presented to the new Bishop followed by the anointing of his head. This was followed by the investiture with a Ring, Zucchetto (Skull Cap), Mitre and Pastoral Staff (Crosier), as symbols of his office.


Archbishop Naameh assisted by Cardinal Turkson, Bishops Bemile and Gyamfi who installed Bishop Bomansaan on his throne or cathedra.

After the enthronement, Archbishop Naameh congratulated the new Bishop followed by the Cardinal Turkson, Bishop Bemile, Bishop Gyamfi, other Archbishops and Bishops while the Superior of the Missionaries of Africa and Council took their turn. They were followed by the Clergy and Religious of the Diocese.

Scores of Priests concelebrated the Mass while over 200 Religious from various Congregations and Seminarians as well as Societies in the Church were smartly dressed in their uniforms, including the National Council of Catholic Women, Knights of St. John International and their Ladies Auxiliary; Knights and Ladies of Marshall.

About 6,000 estimated faithful from all over Ghana, were also present including Papal Knights and Dames.

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