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Friday, September 20, 2024

Catholic Bishops in Ghana Assure New Wa Bishop of Their Unflinching Support

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History was made in the Catholic Diocese of Wa when on Friday, August 2, 2024, its 5th Bishop, the Most Rev. Francis Bomansaan, a member of the Missionaries of Africa (M.Afr.) Congregation, was ordained and installed at the Wa Sports Stadium with an assurance from the members of Ghana Catholic Bishop’ Conference (GCBC) of their unflinching support.

In a Goodwill message to congratulate the new Bishop, the Most Rev. Matthew Gyamfi, President of the GCBC said “We offer you our unflinching support throughout your tenure as Chief Shepherd of this particular Church of Ghana.”

He said the GCBC was confident that he would make an invaluable contribution to the conference and bring new insights to its work and its discussions, assuring him of the Conference’s support as he begins the learning process of a Bishop.

“As your senior brothers in the episcopacy, we are confident that you will lead the people of God with wisdom, compassion and unwavering faith,” he stated, adding that “We are particularly eager to collaborate with you in addressing the challenges and opportunities facing our Church at this time in our country’s life.”

Bishop Gyamfi, who is the Bishop of Sunyani Diocese appealed to the Priests, Religious and the lay faithful to assist and support their new Bishop, urging them to see themselves as all members of one family of God.

“May you enjoy the collaboration of your priests and Christ’s faithful entrusted to your care as you follow the Lord’s example of servant leadership.”

Bishop Bomansaan was consecrated and installed by the Most Rev. Philip Naameh, metropolitan Archbishop of Tamale, assisted by Most Rev. Paul Bemile, Emeritus Bishop of Wa, and the Bishop Gyamfi.

The well attended Episcopal ordination Mass was presided over by His Eminence Peter Cardinal Appiah Turkson, Chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences at the Vatican and concelebrated by members of the Ghana Catholic Bishops’ Conference including some Emeriti Prelates and scores of Priests.

The Holy Father Pope Francis appointed Bishop Bomansaan as the new Bishop of Wa Diocese on Wednesday, May 22, 2024 to replace the late Richard Cardinal Baawobr, M. Afr.

The ceremony was witnessed by large crowd including members of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference, Priests and Religious; Political and Traditional Leaders and the lay faithful from far and near.

Until his appointment Bishop-Elect was the Vice General Superior of the Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers).

Msgr. Francis Bomansaan, M.Afr., was born on January 19, 1962 in Kaleo, in the Diocese of Wa. He entered the Society of the Missionaries of Africa in 1983, and carried out his religious and priestly formation in various countries. He gave his perpetual vows on December 7, 1990, and was ordained a Priest on July 27, 1991.

He holds several diplomas, including those in Ignatian Spirituality, from the Jesuits Centre in Liverpool; in psycho-spirituality and counselling (M.A,) from Chicago; in spiritual counselling skills and community living, from the Saint Anselm Institute in London; and the Religious Formation Ministry Programme, from Loreto House, Dublin.

He has held the following offices: parish priest of the Archdiocese of Mbeya, Tanzania (1991-1993), Director of Vocational Animation and Formator in Lublin, Poland (1995-1998), Vocational Director of the Missionaries of Africa in Ghana and first Advisor to the Provincial Superior for Ghana and Nigeria (1999-2003), Formator and Bursar of Saint Edward College, London (2004-2005), Provincial superior of the Province of Ghana and Nigeria (2005-2011), Master of Novices at the International English Speaking Novitiate, Zambia (2012-2019), and head of the Addiction Rehabilitation Centre, Kenya (2021-2022).

Since 2022, he has served as Deputy Superior General of the Missionaries of Africa before his episcopal appointment on May 22, 2024

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