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Ghanaian SMA Fr. Fabian Gbortsu Reflects on His 25 Years of Priesthood: Says It’s Service in Humility and Simplicity

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Rev. Fr. Fabian Gbortsu, a Ghanaian Priest of the Society of Africa Missions (SMA), has marked the 25th anniversary of his ordination on July 31, 2024 with a Mass at the SMA Missie Huis at Cadier en Keer in the Netherlands.

Ordained on July 31, 1999, the Silver Jubilarian shares below a reflection on his journey in the priesthood as an SMA missionary.


On my first Thanksgiving Holy Eucharist celebration on August 1, 1999, I wrote on the back of the T-shirts and the souvenir card how I envisioned my priesthood: service in humility and simplicity. This vision, which remains steadfast, frames the priesthood as a service to the people of God – a service we are called to by the Lord of the harvest, despite our unworthiness. Service, in this context, echoes the humility of a slave. St. Paul elucidates this in his first letter to the Corinthians, asserting that the missionary serves all: “Although I am free in regard to all, I have made myself a slave to all so as to win over as many as possible” (1 Cor 9:15-23).

Fr. Fabian Gbortsu, SMA

My primary motivation has always been to serve the people of God and win as many souls as possible for Christ Jesus. This calling is rooted in humility and simplicity. I render this service freely, expecting no compensation, guided by inner and outward dispositions that enhance my ability to serve effectively and with grace.

Reflecting on 25 years, I can humbly say that I have made some progress in aligning my actions with these motivations and dispositions. Ultimately, others will judge my efforts, but I hope they recognize my sincerity and dedication.

Today, in Cadier en Keer, in the southern part of the Netherlands, I celebrate my ordination anniversary with the local community and friends, far from home. As a missionary, I serve wholeheartedly and without reservation. I am deeply grateful to the Lord for sustaining me. I submit myself to God, seeking peace, health, and wisdom.

For the first time, I presided over a Eucharistic celebration in Dutch. The positive reception from those who attended affirms my efforts to connect with the community. I acknowledge with humility that aging affects cognitive agility, but I see this as a blessing that prevents an overwhelming influx of information.

As I embark on the next 25 years, I anticipate more challenges. Yet, by the grace of God, I am confident we will achieve our goals. Even if I do not see the end of this journey, I am content knowing I have contributed to missionary activities in Nigeria and France, and to teaching Moral Theology and African Morality in Kenya and Côte d’Ivoire. Thank you, Lord, for your faithfulness.

Profile of Fr. Fabian Gbortsu, SMA

Father Fabian Gbortsu, SMA, was ordained on July 31, 1999. His first missionary assignment took him to Northern Nigeria from September 1999 to May 2004, where he navigated the complexities of serving in a predominantly Muslim region.

In 2004, Father Gbortsu moved to Nairobi to serve as the Director of Students at the Formation House until 2007. He then transitioned to the Diocese of Metz in France, where he served from 2007 to 2010 while earning two Master’s degrees in Catholic Moral Theology and Ethics and Human Rights from the University of Strasbourg.

Returning to Nairobi in 2010, Father Gbortsu became the Rector at the SMA House of Formation and began teaching Moral Theology at Tangaza University College (now Tangaza University). He also commenced his doctoral studies in African Morality at the Catholic University of Eastern Africa, achieving First Class honors for his thesis on “The Contribution of African Traditional Moral Education to Uprightness in Ewe Land of Ghana”.

From 2015 to 2021, Father Gbortsu significantly contributed to the Catholic Missionary Institute of Abidjan as the Strategic Director. He managed projects, ensured quality assurance in teaching and learning, and played a pivotal role in upgrading the Institute to a university.

In 2021, Father Gbortsu joined the University of Education, Winneba, for a year before moving to Cadier en Keer, the Netherlands, in October 2023. His journey of service continues as he serves as a project consultant for various NGOs, conducting project reviews for IFAD and other international organizations in both Francophone and Anglophone regions.

He briefly worked with the Conference of Major Superiors Religious, Ghana, as Strategic Director before his current assignment.

Father Gbortsu’s extensive experience and dedication to education, theology, and missionary work underscore his commitment to fostering growth and development within the communities he serves, particularly in Africa and Europe.

Source: Newswatchgh.com

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