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Thursday, September 19, 2024

Ghanaian SMA Priest Climaxes Silver Jubilee of Priesthood at Hlefi, Ho Diocese

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The people of Hlefi, a town in the Catholic Diocese of Ho in Ghana’s Volta Region, were ecstatic when they joined one of their own, Rev. Fr. Fabian Gbortsu, SMA to climax his 25th Priestly anniversary at the St. Anthony Catholic Church at Hlefi in Ghana’s Catholic Diocese of Ho in the Volta Region on Saturday, August 31, 2024.

The Hlefi Church is an Outstation of the St. Anthony Parish at Kpedze.

Fr. Fabian was ordained a  Priest for the Society of African Missions (SMA) on July 31, 1999 and marked the day with a Mass at the SMA Missie Huis at Cadier en Keer in the Netherlands.

In Ghana, he had on August 25, 2024 jointly celebrated the anniversary together with his confrere, Rev. Fr. James Owusu Yeboah at the St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church at Ashaley Botwe.

In a homily, Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Dotse Komla, Chaplain of the Anfoega Catholic Hospital in Ho Diocese in transit to St. Cecilia Parish, Ho eulogised Fr. Fabian as a man who lives the priesthood as though there is no problem.

He praised him for always being happy and dong his work with joy, congratulating him for his selfless dedication to the work of God and his readiness to serve God’s people.

Fr. Komla who had known Fr. Fabian for many years, said his path to the priesthood was marked by humble beginnings and significant challenges, noting, his academic prowess was evident and consistently ranking in the top five of his class.

Fr. Komla preaching the homily

Saying that his priestly journey was not without hardship. Fr Komla recalled that, just three weeks into his secondary education in 1982, Fr. Fabian’s father passed away, and a devastating loss that took a heavy toll on him. Yet, through perseverance and faith, Fr. Fabian has now reached the milestone of his Silver Jubilee in the priesthood, he added.

Although the date for the celebration was chosen fortuitously, divine providence was clearly at work in the selection of the readings.

Some Chiefs and Elders at the Anniversary climax Mass

“Take yourselves, for instance, brothers and sisters, at the time when you were called: how many of you were wise in the ordinary sense of the word? How many were influential people or came from noble families? No, it was to shame the wise that God chose what is foolish by human reckoning…” (1 Cor 1:26-27).

This particular passage, proposed by the Holy Mother Church for the day, was especially fitting, as noted by Fr. Komla who also remarked that the reading perfectly encapsulated Fr. Fabian’s journey.

In a Goodwill Message, Very Rev. Fr. Dr. Paul Saa-Dede Ennin, SMA, Provincial Superior of the Society of African Missions (SMA) and President of the Conference of Major Superiors of Religious -Ghana (CMSR-GH) described Fr. Fabian as a very dedicated Priest.

Fr. Paul Ennin delivering his Goodwill Message

He confirmed that he had been together with Fr. Fabian since formation and they were very good companions, stating “I can assure you, he is flying the flag of Hlefi very high.”

Fr. Ennin described Fr. Fabian as   Priest who is very dedicated, trustworthy, reliable, self-giving, missionary, assuring the people of God that “You can count on him anytime, any day anywhere.”

Days of joy like this are often celebrated with great enthusiasm, and this was certainly true for Fr. Fabian. His humility and simplicity were evident as he became overwhelmed with emotion, rendering him momentarily speechless. Tears choked his voice, preventing him from saying much more than a simple, heartfelt “thank you” before concluding the celebration with a blessing.

In a brief remark, Fr. Fabian acknowledged that while he considers himself nothing, others saw something in him worth celebrating.

He expressed deep gratitude to everyone who had come to be with him on this special day, offering one of the shortest and most poignant Silver Jubilee thanksgiving speeches—two famous words: “thank you.”

This humility and simplicity were echoed in the motto Fr. Fabian chose for the occasion, which was also emblazoned on the T-shirts distributed during the First Thanksgiving celebration: “Service in Humility and Simplicity.”

These qualities were on full display during the Jubilee celebration on August 31, 25 years after his ordination. The event was filled with joy and liveliness, with the Holy Eucharist taking just over an hour  while ‘Borborbor’ drumming and dancing continued after Mass at Fr. Fabian’s residence, which drew Priests and Religious to join the youth in a joyous mood.

Fr. Fabian blessing the elderly in his family


Two significant moments stood out during the celebrations. The first occurred during the Mass when Fr. Fabian blessed his parents, both maternal and paternal, even though only his mother is still alive. This act was particularly meaningful as it demonstrated his deep appreciation for the contributions of all his ancestors, setting an example for others to follow.

The second notable moment came two days later when the Church leaders presented him with the proceeds from a monetary appeal intended to help cover some of his expenses.

In a remarkable act of generosity, Fr. Fabian chose to return the funds to the Church, directing them to be used for the completion of the Altar. The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) chair, who was present, expressed gratitude to him for such a great sacrifice.

For Fr. Fabian, building the House of God was far more important than any personal gain.

The Borborbor drumming and dancing time

This Silver Jubilee was rich with symbolism, and Fr. Fabian himself remarked that it was one of the few days in his life when he experienced such profound joy. As we continue to pray for him, we look forward to gathering again in 25 years to celebrate God’s enduring love and faithfulness.

Earlier, in a welcome address at the climax at Hlevi, Rev. Fr. Theodore Emil Hevi, the Parish Priest of Hlefi St. Anthony Catholic Church said it was appropriate to celebrate this milestone as a sign of gratitude to God.

Fr. Theodore Hevi

Sr. Agnes Mercy Nyatsoe, SMMC (Sister Communicator)


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