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Sunday, March 16, 2025

“Having a Family United in God is my Vision”, Says Newly Installed Parish Priest of OLA

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 The Very Rev. Fr. Francisco José de Sousa Machado, MCCJ, the newly installed Parish Priest of the Our Lady of Assumption (OLA) Parish at New Achimota in Accra says one of his visions is to build a family of God that would be in communion and participate fully in the Mission of the Church rooted in love, gathered in faith and built on charity.

“My real vision for our Parish is the beautiful and life-giving dimension of family in the image of the Most Holy Trinity as communion of Life and Love,” he said in his installation message to the people of God on Sunday, June 5, 2022.

Fr. Machado was appointed as Parish Priest of OLA on September 1, 2021 by the Metropolitan Archbishop of Accra, the Most Rev. John Bonaventure Kwofie, CSSp.

He was installed on behalf of the Archbishop by Very Rev. Fr. Peter Kofi Atsu, Dean of the Kaneshie Deanery. He will be assisted by Rev. Fr. Cossi Bonaventure Henri Gnaha, also a Comboni Priest, who worked in the Cape Coast Archdiocese before his transfer to OLA.

Addressing the Parishioners of OLA and her three Outstations- St. Daniel Comboni, Immaculate Heart of Mary and St. Cecilia, Fr. Machado said “The families and the youth re my greatest concern. This is why for this coming six years we have chosen as our motto: “As for me and my family we shall serve the Lord our God”.

According to him, “Jesus has reconciled us with the Father and the Holy Spirit brings us together to worship the Lord our God… We are here together because we believe in Life eternal in communion with God.”

As part of commitment to Christian formation, he appealed to the parishioners, groups and societies, to use the next six months to read the Papal Encyclical: “Amoris Letitia” (The Joys of Love), adding that “In this document we will find sure and fresh inspiration for a true a living renewal of our families.”

He urged the faithful entrusted to his care to see themselves as a true family of faith, hope and love, asking them “Let us make our church a very enthusiastic, vibrant and creative community by making the effort to welcome each other every Sunday, greeting each other joyfully.”

He also appealed to the parishioners to be attentive to those who visit the Parish for the first time, adding “Let us make them feel immediately welcomed and at home, a brother among brothers, a sister among sisters.”

Touching on the unity and roles of ministries, groups and societies, he stated that “Our commitment through a real engagement in Ministries, Societies and Devotional Groups are essential for any true renewal and growth in our Catholic Family that is our Church.

In order to make good use of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit offered to them for the good and the growth of the Church, Fr. Machado asked the flock to put themselves before God and ask “What can I do for my Community? In what can I be true source of beauty and renewal?”

According to the Comboni Priest, the different ministries, groups and societies in the Parish community could become true centres of humanity and spirituality, if they become true sources of faith, hope, love and inspirations to renew the missionary vocation.

He indicated that the OLA Catholic Community needed new and richer dynamics which he noted could only be done through the activeness of the various ministries, groups and societies.

On truth and co-responsibility,   he said they were “essential dimensions in our way of growth. We need to learn how to see our Parish as truly ours, our chapel as truly ours, our grotto as truly ours, our schools as truly ours and feel very ‘proud’ we belong and share.”

He reminded the parishioners that the Living God had entrusted to all abundance of gifts which must bear much fruit for the good of OLA parish and the Archdiocese as a whole.

Touching on the youth apostolate, he emphasised the need to see a more vibrant youth willing to dedicate themselves to serve the Lord in different capacities. He expressed unhappiness about the youth front and prayed that with the help of his Assistant and the entire community, they youth front would bounce back.

“One of my sufferings and powerful evil spirit I have identified in our midst is gossips that destroy communion and hides the Community of Faith?” he lamented.

According to him, “This evil moves devastatingly around us trying to deceive, divide, weaken and destroy our Catholic family,” alerting the faithful that “Gossips scatter and destroy even the best friendships, divide the flock and scatter the sheep of Jesus.”

By Damian Avevor

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