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Thursday, October 10, 2024

Holy Rosary Sisters Celebrate Centenary in Ghana’s Donkorkrom Vicariate

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The Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary (MSHR), Ghana Region in accord with the entire Congregation have celebrated the hundredth anniversary of their foundation.

The well-attended October 5, 2024 event took place at the St. Francis Xavier Catholic Cathedral, Donkorkrom in the Kwahu Afram Plains North District, Eastern Ghana, in a solemn Holy Mass with Most Rev. John Alphonse Asiedu, SVD, Vicar of the Apostolic Vicariate of Donkorkrom as the Chief Celebrant.

Present at the Centenary Mass were a score of Priests from the Vicariate and beyond, together with the four would-be-Priests of the Vicariate, Leaders and representatives of various religious Congregations within and outside the Vicariate including Rev Fr. Cyprian Kuupol, SVD Provincial Superior of the Divine Word Missionaries (SVD).

Others were Sr. Scholastica Etelese, SMMC, representing Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) Network Ghana, Frs. Richard Opoku Acheampong and Coleman Akrereke, representing the Spiritans (CSSp) – the Congregation of Bishop Shanahan, founder of MSHR, among others.

Also present was Rev. Fr. Vitalis Azike, Education Secretary of the Catholic Diocese of Ekwulobia, in Nigeria.Other dignitaries present were Chiefs and Elders from Donkorkrom and Amankwakrom, Religious and political leaders, the Catholic Community of St. Francis Xavier Cathedral and St. Anthony Parish Amankwakrom, the Holy Rosary School and Holy Rosary Health Centre representatives, among others.

In a homily during the Centenary Mass, Bishop Asiedu underlined the importance of the celebration both to its members and those who have benefitted from the lives of the Missionaries.

“The Centenary celebration of the foundation of a Congregation is an important occasion not only for its members, but also for all those who are connected with and have been impacted by the missionary life and work of the congregation,” he said.

He further reflected on the First Reading from the Book of Isaiah 61:1-3, 10-11   in which is found the inscription on the MSHR Logo “Evangelizare Pauperibus Misit Me” – The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.

The prelate added that Jesus did not only proclaim the words of the Prophet Isaiah, but more importantly, he declared himself as the fulfilment of the prophecy when he concluded “Today, this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing”.

“Our first reading from the Book of the Prophet Isaiah presents us with a prophecy of God’s eternal plan and design for his people, which coincides perfectly with what was to happen in the Jubilee year. The mission of the prophet Isaiah was to prepare, to guide, and to lead God’s people to attain a newness of heart which would improve upon the prevailing socio-cultural, economic and spiritual situation and reflect what should prevail in a Jubilee year, the year of God’s favour,” the bishop underscored.

He further explained that in a world that was severely wounded – by divisions into social class, corruption, religious and cultural differences, affluence and poverty, the self-righteous as against the condemned and downtrodden, the strong and powerful as against the weak and voiceless, a world far removed from what God had originally planned and designed for humanity, the mission of the Prophet was to work towards the recovery or restoration of a proper identity, especially for the poor, the destitute and the marginalized, and for renewing creation.

“The Prophet was to guide and help all God’s people to know the heart of God, the original purpose and intention of God for humanity and to help restore that original vision of God for his people, and indeed, for the whole of creation to be transformed and renewed. The Prophet was anointed with the Spirit of God and given the power, strength and courage for his great mission,” he buttressed.

Bishop Asiedu commended the Holy Rosary Sisters for being true prophetic witnesses underlining their selfless involvement in bringing restoration to humanity not only within the Catholic Vicariate of Donkorkrom but the people of Kwahu Afram Plains North and South Districts, and the world at large.

Bishop John Alphonse Asiedu, SVD

“My Dear Holy Rosary Sisters, by your religious consecration, you have been called and anointed with the Holy Spirit to announce the good news of salvation to the poor, to proclaim release to captives, recovery of sight to the blind, and to set at liberty those who are oppressed,” he said.

He told them that “As a congregation, you have occupied yourself in this mission in different parts of the world through numerous missionary activities for the past hundred years, including health care delivery, education, different forms of social works, catechesis, counselling, communication, advocacy against human, especially women and children trafficking, defense of human rights, justice and peace, inter-religious dialogue, support for migrants and minorities, ecological issues care of the earth, and many more”.

“Like St. Paul and after the example of Christ himself, you engage in your missionary work with open mind and heart, and in the spirit of humility and selflessness,” he continued.

“You have drawn many people to God with whom they have come to develop closer and intimate relationship of love and of fellowship and of care. Your presence and ministry reveal to people a God who is father to all, and who is incredibly approachable, and everyone has unrestricted access to his presence”.

“You have shown your belief in a God who is open to and accepts all people without limit or barrier, a God who calls for love and respect for one another”.

“Indeed, by your life and ministry you communicate the universal love and grace and mercy of God to all people”.

According to the Bishop, the occasion of the Centenary “fills us with deep sense of gratitude to God. It is also a time for deep reflection, of prayer and evaluation to recount past achievements and determine the relevance of the continual existence of the congregation,” which he added resonates with the theme for the Centenary – “Celebrate the Past with Gratitude, live the Present with Passion, embrace the Future with Hope”.

His Lordship further opined that the Centenary celebration is not just occasioned by the fact that the Congregation is hundred years old, but essentially because of some achievements recorded, which to him are some of the many concrete ways by which the Sisters have announced and made present “the year of God’s favour” by their life and missionary service.

He said “Your life and missionary activities have led to true recovery and restoration of the proper identity especially of the poor, the destitute and the marginalized.

“Your presence, your approachability and availability has helped people to know the heart of God, the intention and purpose of God and to restore the original vision of God for his people everywhere you have lived and worked”.

“You have always been concerned about social relationships, economic security and stability, and the wellbeing of the entire human community without distinction or discrimination”.

“You encourage and mentor especially your co-workers, students and friends to live in ways that reflect good relationship with God, with one another and to care for the earth, our common home”.

The Bishop renewed his continuous support to the Sisters, saying that “as we celebrate these beautiful achievements with gratitude to God, we pledge our support, encouragement and collaboration with you and urge you to continue your missionary service with passion, and look forward to the future with optimism, and trust that God still have great things in stock for you as prophetic women disciples of his Son, Jesus Christ, in a synodal Church”.

He commended the Sisters to the maternal care of our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary praying that their presence and ministry among the people of the Apostolic Vicariate of Donkorkrom, will help more people to experience and embrace the universal love and grace and mercy of God.

“May the Holy Spirit, the principal agent of vocations, bless your congregation with many quality vocations, especially from Ghana and particularly from our Vicariate,” he added.

In an address, Sr. Nkechi Caroline Oraebosi, Regional Leader of MSHR Ghana Region welcomed all who had come for the celebration.

She said “Today, we the Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Ghana Region, on behalf of the entire Congregation, joyfully welcome you here, from far and near, from the four corners of the world”.

She elucidated the reason for which the MSHR Congregation was founded and the way by which the Sisters express their missionary call: “to collaborate in evangelization through Education of the Christian family particularly by presenting to the women the image of Christian womanhood, modelled on Mary”.

“We express our missionary Charism by our readiness to be sent and to go beyond the borders of our countries and cultures, sharing the good news with those in any kind of need through the ministries of Education, Medical, Pastoral, Communication and many other ways of nurturing the human person in a spirit of intense missionary zeal for the realization of God’s Kingdom,” she underlined.

The spirituality of the Congregation according to the Regional Leader is that of their founder Bishop Shanahan; “very apostolic yet deeply rooted in contemplation, consciousness of God in all things and at all times”.

Quoting the Founder, “a missionary is to impact divine truth and divine life and sanctify others but cannot do this unless she herself possesses the spirit of sanctification; unless she herself is filled with the spirit of Christ”.

By Sr. Sylvie Lum Cho, MSHR (Sister Communicator

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