Hundreds of Catholics and non-Catholics converged at the St. Kizito Catholic Church at Nima in the Catholic Archdiocese of Accra on Thursday, January 4, 2024 to witness the diaconate ordination of sixteen men from various Parishes within the Archdiocese.
Out of the 16 candidates who are now known as Reverends, the largest so far in the history of the Accra Archdiocese, four were from the host Parish, St. Kizito – Dominic Anafo, Fredrick Kofi Doe, Raphael Kojo Mensah and Evans Tulasi. Three were from St. Theresa Parish, Kaneshie- John Ametepe, Lawrence Krah and Winston Komla Semenouas well as two from Good Shepherd Parish, Tema Community 2- Raphael Insor-Brown and Isaac Kofi Quayson.
The rest were Wisdom Kwabena Asare, Ss. Thomas Moore & John Fisher, Achimota; John Atidoh, St. John the Baptist, Odorkor; Godson Kwame Bentum, Holy Family, Mataheko; Michael Dziwornu Etsey, Ss. Anne & Joachim, Teshie; Emmanuel Yao Gabianku, Martyrs of Uganda, Mamprobi; Samuel Ebo Hymore, St. Patrick, Atomic; and Joseph Vomalemo Sablah, St. Joseph the Worker, Medie.

The January 4 diaconate ordination was presided over by the Most Rev. John Kobina Louis, an Auxiliary Bishop of Accra and concelebrated by the Most Rev. Anthony Narh Asare, an Auxiliary Bishop of Accra; the Most Rev. John Bonaventure Kwofie, CSSp, Metropolitan Archbishop of Accra and hosts of Priests.
In his brief but on the spot homily, Bishop Asare reminded the candidates that they were being called to service, saying “our Christian calling is of sacrifice and service to God and the Church.”
“The diaconate ministry is one of service,” the Bishop stated and prayed that the Holy Spirit would guide the new deacons to teach and encourage the people of God they would be working with.

He said “Your calling is an invitation to serve the people of God,” reminding the candidates that “the ordination rites strengthens you with the gift of the Holy Spirit so that you will assist the Bishop and Priests in the service of the Word, Altar, works of charity and general service to the people of God.”
He also reminded them that they would be required to teach and encourage the people of God in the doctrines of the Church and Holy Scripture.
A deacon is an ordained minister of the Catholic Church. There are three groups, or “orders,” of ordained ministers in the Church: Bishops, Presbyters (Priests) and Deacons. Deacons are ordained as a sacramental sign to the Church and to the world of Christ, who came “to serve and not to be served.”

The entire Church is called by Christ to serve, and the deacon, in virtue of his sacramental ordination and through his various ministries, is to be a servant in a servant-Church.
During the rites of ordination at the St. Kizito Parish on January 4, the candidates resolved to hold the mystery of faith with clear conscience, maintain and deepen the spirit of prayer and celebrate the Liturgy of Hours to the Church and the whole world.
The Parish Priests of the 16 deacons vested them with the Stole and Dalmatic (outer garment) as the symbol of their office.
Bishop Louis indicated that the 16 deacons were coming from five Deaneries with the Kpehe Deanery alone having seven. He encouraged the three Deaneries who did not have candidates to promote on vocation.

On his part, Archbishop Kwofie congratulated the deacons and thanked their families for offering their sons to serve in God’s ministry, and called for continuous support for them as they prepare to join the order of priests in August at St. Bakhita, Community 20.
Present at the well-attended diaconate ordination were the Religious working in the Archdiocese, Seminarians, Papal Knights and dames, members of the Christian Mothers Association and St. Theresa of the Child Jesus Society, families, relatives and friends of the newly ordained deacons as well as the Accra Archdiocesan Catholic Laity Council. led by its Chairman Mr. Timothy Sowah.
By Damian Avevor