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Friday, October 11, 2024

Hundreds Mourn with Bishop Alfred Agyenta on Loss of Mother

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Hundreds of mourners from all walks of life converged at Wiaga in the Upper East Region of Ghana to pay their respects and offer condolences to Bishop Alfred Agyenta, Bishop of Navrongo-Bolgatanga Diocese who is grieving the loss of his beloved mother.

The outpouring of support and sympathy from the community, clergy, religious and dignitaries reflected the bishop’s esteem position and the high regard in which he is held.

In a poignant display of ecclesiastical solidarity, five fellow bishops joined Bishop Agyenta to mourn the passing and lay to rest his beloved mother, Madam Diana Bawa Agyenta. They were the Most Rev. Philip Naameh, Archbishop of Tamale; the Most Rev. Joseph Osei Bonsu, Emeritus Bishop of Konongo-Mampong; the Most Rev. Peter Paul Ankgyier, Bishop of Damongo; the Most Rev. John Louis, Auxiliary Bishop of Accra and the Most Rev. Francis Bomansaan, Bishop of Wa.

The solemn gathering brought together people from diverse backgrounds including Clergy and men and women religious from the Catholic Church and other Christian denominations, Traditional leaders and elders from the region, government officials and local authorities, friends , family members and well-wishers.

The funeral celebration for Bishop Agyenta’s mother was held on September 28, 2024 at the St. Francis Xavier Parish Wiaga in the Navrongo/Bolgatanga Diocese.

Bishop Agyenta severing as main celebrant and homilist, delivered a heartfelt eulogy, beautifully capturing the essence of his late mother as a woman of unshakable faith in God, Unwavering commitment to family, inspiring dignity and compassion, Unrelenting hard work and perseverance and whose selfless devotion to family was her greatest legacy.

He shared poignant memories of her love, guidance and unwavering support, which shaped his own life and ministry. His tribute was a moving testament to the profound impact Mad. Diana left on those who knew her.

The readings of the day, taken from Proverbs 31:10-30 and John 14:1-6 resonated deeply with the sentiment of the children towards their beloved mother. These scriptures beautifully encapsulated Mad. Diana Bawa’s exemplary life, characterized by; industriousness and diligence, selfless care for her children, generosity to the poor and needy and deep reverence for God.

Bishop Agyenta fondly recalled how his mother, exemplified her industrious spirit through her daily petty trade in salt, serving through neighbor and nearby markets. Her entrepreneurial endeavors went beyond personal gain, as she actively involved her children in the business to support their father and contribute to the family’s well-being.

One meaningful practice that left an indelible mark on the life of Bishop was her habit of making the Sign of the Cross before undertaking any action.

Reflection on the day’s readings, Bishop Agyenta emphasised that old age is a blessing, not a burden. He encouraged those with elderly family members to treat them with love, respect and care, citing the biblical commandment: “Honour your father and mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you” (Exodus 20:12 and Ephesians 6:2-3). This commandment, Bishop noted is uniquely paired with a promise of blessing, underscoring the importance intergenerational respect, family value and compassionate care.

Bishop Agyenta considered it a remarkable blessing to still have his mother alive at his advanced age. In today’s world where life expectancy and family dynamics have changed, he recognized that few people enjoy the privilege of having their parents alive beyond their own middle age. He says the mother died on the day that the universal church was asked to honour grandparents and the elderly. (26th July 2024).

For him that was a good day and a sign that she has lived fully her life expand and well prepared. He further expressed deep concern about the plight of many elderly individuals in today’s society who despite having children suffer from loneliness to fend for themselves and poverty struggling to make ends meet.

Bishop Agyenta, deeply moved, expressed heartfelt gratitude to the congregation for their outpouring of love and support towards his late mother, Mad. Diana. He fondly recalled how Diana had been touched by their visits, once remarking “if you show me this love while I’m alive, what will happen when I’m gone?  Her words now prophetic, highlighted the profound impact of their kindness.

He then thanked all in sundry for their time spent during the funeral and leaving them with the blessing of God. The mortal remains of Mad. Diana was now taken to the Catholic cemetery to be laid to rest.

Sr. Juliana Atuuna, SMI (Sr. Communicator)

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