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Friday, September 20, 2024

Newswatch Ghana Editor Calls on SMMC Communicators

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Mr. Robert Dela Yao Mawuenyegah, the Editor of newswatchgh.com, an online media in Ghana has visited the Sister Communicators of the Sisters of Mary Mother of the Church (SMMC) of Ho Diocese on August 11, 2024 to share more ideas with the entire Institute based on what the Sr. Communicators had been exposed to at Sokode Gbogame in the Volta Region of Ghana.

As the Executive Director of Global NewsWatch Media and Communications, managers of newswatchgh.com, he shared with the Sisters the need to evangelise in the digital world of communication. The gathering saw the Superior General of the SMMC, Sr. Dr. Lucy Hometowu, SMMC, her Councillors and pioneer Sisters who are marking 50 years of their Religious Profession.

The Sisters Mary Mother of the Church is an Institute of Women Religious of Diocesan Right founded in 1971 by the late Most Rev. Anthony Konings of the Society of African Missions (SMA) in the then Keta Diocese, now Ho Diocese in the Volta Region of Ghana.

The early Formators were Sr. Dolores Davies and Jane Frances Kenney of Our Lady of Apostles Missionaries (OLA) both from Ireland. Currently, the Institute continues to thrive under the direction and Pastoral care of Bishop Emmanuel Kofi Fianu SVD, the Bishop of Ho Diocese.

They serve in Ho and Keta-Akatsi Dioceses in the Volta Region, Jasikan Diocese in the Oti Region, Accra Archdiocese in the Greater Accra Region, and Donkorkrom Vicariate in the Eastern Region of Ghana.

They have a total of twenty communities in the five Dioceses with not less than two Sisters in a community. From a humble beginning of seven pioneers, the Sisters of Mary Mother of the Church are now ninety-seven (97) in number, with two Novices, eight Postulants, and several Aspirants.

Twenty-one (21) Sisters have retired from active service in the Government/ Public sector but are still serving in our schools, hospitals, and social centers. We have some of our sisters on mission in the United States of America as nurses, administrators and Catechists.

The main apostolates of the Sisters are in four (4) areas namely: Education, Health, and Social Work and Pastoral.

Our Mission is to respond to the needs of the Church through Teaching, Healing, Social and Pastoral Apostolates.

Our Spirit is to live in Faith, Charity, Sacrifice and Simplicity with Mary Mother of the Church our Model

By Sr. Gifty Anastasia Blewu, SMMC (Sr. Communicator)

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