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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Opinion: Galamsey Activities, a National Security Threat

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An illegal small-scale mining is known as Galamsey which is a significant threat to national security for several key reasons and below are some reasons;

Health Hazards and Environmental Degradation

 Toxic Exposure

The usage of Mercury and other chemicals used in galamsey operations poison water sources and soil, leading to health crises such as cancer, birth defects, and neurological damage among local populations and communities that depend heavily upon it for survival.

Respiratory Diseases

Miners often work without protective equipment, inhaling dust and chemicals, leading to respiratory issues. These health problems strain the national healthcare system for which some can be transferred to thousands of people in the Republic.

Economic Impact (Loss of Revenue)

Illegal miners often smuggle gold out of the Republic, leading to significant losses in government revenue. These funds, which could have been used for national development, are instead funneled into illicit networks.

Impact on Agriculture

With farmlands destroyed by galamsey, agricultural output decreases, leading to food insecurity and rising prices, which can trigger social unrest.

Growing of Criminals behind the scenes

Social Unrest and Crime

Galamsey attracts criminal elements, creating a breeding ground for armed conflicts between illegal miners, local communities, and law enforcement. This has resulted in violent clashes, contributing to national insecurity.



Some officials may be bribed to turn a blind eye to illegal mining activities, undermining the rule of law and fostering a culture of impunity.

Undermining Governance and the Rule of Law

Erosion of State Authority

The inability of the government to effectively control galamsey undermines its authority and weakens public confidence in state institutions. This erosion of trust in governance can destabilize national security.

Encouraging Lawlessness

Galamsey’s unchecked growth emboldens other illegal activities, such as illegal logging and smuggling, which further weaken national governance structures.

Foreign Involvement

Involvement of Foreign Nationals

Reports of foreign nationals, particularly from China and other countries, being involved in galamsey complicate efforts to control illegal mining. This brings an international dimension to the crisis, with potential diplomatic tensions.

Exploitation of Resources by Foreign Entities

Foreign actors involved in galamsey deplete natural resources, contributing to a form of “resource extraction colonialism,” which diminishes national wealth and economic independence.

The Author

In Conclusion, galamsey poses a clear and present danger to national security through its devastating effects on the environment, economy, public health, and social cohesion. The undermining of governance and the involvement of foreign nationals make the crisis even more complex, requiring comprehensive and coordinated solutions from the government and all stakeholders.

Writer: Wisdom Dickson Ahliyah is a freelance writer on security issues, especially those concerning personal and organisational security. He is a seasoned Police officer with academic background in law, cyber security, social work, peace, security and intelligence Management. He is also an alumnus of the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre.

(For more information Email: dicksonny1990@gmail.com)


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