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Saturday, September 14, 2024

Opinion: The Alarming Rate of Suicidal Tendencies within the Security Sectors

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Suicidal can be dehumanizing and stigmatizing. It reduces a person to a single aspect of their experience and can make them feel ashamed or afraid to seek help.

Why? It’s a critical issue that needs more attention and action. Below are some contributing factors and the importance of safety personnel or persons.

Why Suicidal Tendencies are Rampant in Security Settings in the Republic?

First and foremost, there is High Stress and Trauma: Security professionals often face significant stress due to the nature of their working environment. They may witness or experience violence, threats, and other traumatic events along their work. This exposure can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues.

Secondly ,Shift Work and Sleep Deprivation in the service : Irregular work schedules and long hours can disrupt sleep patterns, leading to fatigue, irritability, and difficulty managing stress. Even though the SI says it, there should be a clause- Notably Officers are always on duty (That Notion should be looked into)

Also, An Isolation and Lack of Support: Security work can be isolating, with long shifts spent alone or in small groups. This can make it difficult for individuals to connect with others and seek support when they need it.

More so, The Stigma around Mental Health: There’s a pervasive stigma around mental health issues, especially within traditionally masculine-dominated fields like security. This can prevent individuals from seeking help, leading to a vicious cycle of shame and isolation.

Furthermore, Lack of Resources. Many security companies and organizations lack adequate mental health resources for their employees. This can create barriers to accessing help when needed most effectively by providing them with a reliable service.

*It is heart breaking to loose two (2) Individual Souls on Sunday 25th August, 2024 through Suicide in the Ghana Police Service.

The Importance of Safety to All Security Professionals.

  • Individual Well-being: Prioritizing safety in the security industry is crucial for the well-being of individual officers. It involves providing proper training, equipment, and support to ensure they can handle stressful situations effectively and minimize their risk of exposure to trauma. The Work of Psychologist and Social Workers in the Service must be conducted by its various Departments for Mental Health Screening to ensure the safety of personnel’s .How often do they go round the Regions, Districts, or Posts etc. to have a talk with Personnel’s about their health issues.
  • Mental Health Support: Creating a culture of openness and support around mental health is vital. Officers need to feel comfortable seeking help without fear of judgment or repercussions. Sometimes, Leaders or Commanders are difficult to approach because of their personal circumstances they may have with their superiors at the top or means not to step on them if not he or she will not help forgetting their subordinate’s health.

Accessibility to counseling, peer support groups, and other resources is essential.

  • Preventing Suicides: By addressing the underlying issues of stress, trauma, and mental health, we can reduce the risk of suicidal behaviour within the security industry. Early intervention, support networks, and access to resources are key to saving lives the Security Services.
  • Improving Public Safety: When security professionals are mentally and emotionally healthy, they are better equipped to perform their duties effectively and protect the public.

What Can be Done to improve the Health of Security Professionals

  • Invest in Mental Health Resources: Security companies and organizations should invest in mental health support for their employees, including access to counseling, training on stress management, and peer support groups.
  • Promote Open Dialogue: Create a workplace culture that encourages open conversations about mental health, reduces stigma, and encourages employees to seek help when needed. (It can be a Workshop for Personnel)
  • Provide Training: Offer training on de-escalation techniques, stress management, and trauma awareness to help officers cope with challenging situations.
  • Improve Working Conditions: Address issues like long hours, shift work, and isolation to minimize their impact on mental well-being.
  • Support Families: Recognize the impact of security work on families and provide support services for spouses and children with special needs and those with disabilities..

We need a collective effort to address the critical issues within the security industry and protect the mental and emotional well-being of those who work tirelessly to keep us safe.

God bless Ghana Police Service and God bless Mother Ghana.


Wisdom Dickson Ahliyah is a freelance writer on security issues, especially those concerning personal and organisational security. He is a seasoned Police officer with academic background in law, cyber security, social work, peace, security  and intelligence Management. He is also an alumnus of the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre.

(For more information Email: dicksonny1990@gmail.com)


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