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Priests, Laity Share in Threefold Ministry of Christ – Accra Vicar General

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The Very Rev. Fr.  John Kobina Louis, Vicar General of the Catholic Archdiocese of Accra has reminded Priests and the laity that they share in the threefold ministry of Christ but in different degrees or levels.

“The ministry of Christ that we share in is mainly threefold: priestly, prophetic and kingly,” he said at an orientation for new Pastoral Councils at the St. Theresa Catholic Church, Kaneshie, on Saturday, January 14, 2023.

The orientation was attended by all newly constituted Pastoral Councils in the Kaneshie and Mamprobi Deaneries in the Accra Archdiocese. Similar orientation would be done for other Deaneries.

Touching on the priestly or sanctifying ministry of Christ, he said “He (Christ) is the unique eternal High Priest who has offered the one perfect sacrifice for the sanctification and salvation of mankind.”

He noted that the prophetic or teaching ministry refers to the proclamation of God’s message of salvation to mankind while the kingly or ruling or governing ministry is the shepherd-King who guides us along the path that leads to eternal life.

He said the primary goal of the threefold parish ministry is the salvation of souls, though each aspect may have a more specific goal.

This ministry, he said focuses on the sanctification of souls which means holiness, adding that “the life of holiness or sanctification is the will of God for all of us.”

Quoting Pope Francis’ affirmation in his 2018 Apostolic Exhortation, Gaudete et Exsultate [Rejoice and be glad, Fr. Louis said “A Christian cannot think of his or her mission on earth without seeing it as a path of holiness.”

Addressing over 600 Pastoral Councillors, Fr. Louis noted that the ministry of sanctification, which focuses on making people receive the grace of holiness and to live by this grace, consists in the celebration and reception of the sacraments, prayers, traditional devotions, citing examples of praying of the rosary, Sacred Heart prayers among others.

According to him, the ministry also relies primarily on the Word of God and it entails primary (outreach) evangelization, catechetics, religious education, teachings, marriage counselling, children service, sacred music among others.

Touching on sharing the ministry of Christ, he said “The faithful exercise their baptismal priesthood through their participation, each according to his own vocation, in Christ’s mission as priest, prophet, and king.

He added that “Through the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation the faithful are “consecrated to be … a holy priesthood.”

Quoting from the Catechism of the Catholic Church, he said “Christ, high priest and unique mediator, has made of the Church “a kingdom, priests for his God and Father.”

“The ministerial or hierarchical priesthood of bishops and priests, and the common priesthood of all the faithful participate, “each in its own proper way, in the one priesthood of Christ.” While being “ordered one to another,” they differ essentially, he noted.

Fr. Louis educated that “While the common priesthood of the faithful is exercised by the unfolding of baptismal grace – a life of faith, hope, and charity, a life according to the Spirit–, the ministerial priesthood is at the service of the common priesthood,” adding that “It is directed at the unfolding of the baptismal grace of all Christians.

The ministerial priesthood, he stated was a means by which Christ unceasingly builds up and leads his Church. For this reason it is transmitted by its own sacrament, the sacrament of Holy Orders.

Thus, he emphasised that, the priests serve the laity to enable them live out/by the grace received at baptism.

By Damian Avevor

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