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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Sisters of Mary Immaculate Lays Three Sisters to Rest

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The Congregation of the Sisters of Mary Immaculate has been hit with the death of three of their members.  Nevertheless, members finds consolation from Psalm 90:10. It says; “Seventy is the sum of our years, or eighty, if we are strong.” God has blessed these sisters to passed their last span and be counted among the strong.

These Sisters were mourned and buried on October 18, 2024 at Daffiama SMI Mother House in the Upper West Region. Though they are old, their passing away is a pain to the members of the SMI Congregation for losing three members at the same time.

Sisters, Valeria Tira-Der, Priscilla Ali and Patricia Beyog returned to their maker on September 6, 2024, September 18, 2024 and October 4, 2024 respectively. These three sisters struggled with ill health until the Lord called them home.  Sr. Valeria died at the age of 81, Sr. Priscilla was 96 and Sr. Patricia turned 76.

Before their demise, Sr. Valeria worked in many hospitals and clinics after she had successfully completed her Midwifery Training college as a nurse in the healing ministry of Jesus as her apostolate till she was send to Tamale community, when she came to the end of her active service.

Sr. Priscilla was a seamstress who sewed religious garments for the sisters, cassocks for the Priests, seminarians and Altar servers. She was also assigned to the women groups. She carried out her apostolate in many Dioceses and parishes with joy and love.

She stayed in Daffiama community till she grew old and can no long do anything on her own.

Sr. Patricia was a trained teacher. As a teacher, she taught in many places and was also involved in the women groups.  She was transferred shortly from Nadowli convent to Nandom convent to continue with the women groups till the Lord called her home.   As we celebrate their lives, we honour their memory by continuing their legacy of service and dedication.

A large number of people were at the funeral to mourn and sympathize with the SMI Sisters.  The Catholic Bishop of Wa, Most Rev. Bishop Francis Bomansaan, M.Afr., the Most Rev. Peter Paul Yelezuome Angkyier, Catholic Bishop of Damongo; Vicar General of Tamale Archdiocese Very Rev. Fr. Hilary Pogbeyir, Monsignors, representatives from Navrongo-Bolgatanga Diocese, Provincial Superior of FIC, Bro. Clement Naapire, Priests, Religious from the various congregations,  the home parishes of the three late Sisters  including their families members and their stations of apostolates respectively.

The Father of the Diocese, Most Rev. Bishop Francis Bomansaan was the main celebrant and one of his priests Fr. Victor Ganaa, the Parish Priest of Nativity of Our Lady –Ko parish gave the homily during the Eucharistic celebration.

In the sermon, Rev. Fr. Victor Ganaa said that, these three sisters he ever uncounted, lived a worthy life.  They were sisters who really dedicated themselves to the service of God and his people. They were simple, loving, compassionate, gentle, approachable, charitable and generous in their ministry.

He therefore urged mourners to leave a good life in such a way that people can admire and imitate their good deeds.  “Our lives are a reflection of who we are to people. If you are good, people will be good towards you, if you are simple, people will be simple towards you.” He said.

Fr. Victor cautioned mourners, especially those who spent their whole life comparing themselves to others to stop comparing themselves with others. He encourages them to leave individually life and leave it well.

He adviced them to use this opportunity of the death of these three sisters to cultivate these three Cs in life and live by them; choice, chance and change.  Thus, “the choices you make, help you get chances and the chances you have make you change.”

The Superior General of the Sisters of Mary Immaculate, Sr. Christina Pogbeyir welcomed all who has travelled far and near to celebrate with the SMI Congregation, to pray for and to help give a befitting farewell to their beloved three sisters.   These three sisters accomplished a lot, they carried out their apostolate diligently until the Lord finally called them.

She indicated that, Sr. Valeria would have been mourned and buried in Tamale Archdiocese, her place of apostolate per the Constitution of the SMI, but due to circumstances, and for the sake of convenience, her body was brought to Wa Diocese with the agreement of the two bishops to have a common funeral celebrations of the three sisters in Daffiama.

Sr. Agnes Adongo who is the District Superior of Southern Zone District Wa and the Headmistress of Mary Immaculate Catholic School thanked all mourners and sympathizers for their prayers and supports in diverse ways.

After the Eucharistic celebration, they were sent to the SMI cemetery to be laid to rest.

By Sr. Gloria Duongnaa, SMI (Sister Communicator)


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